Poynter Webinar Provides Tips To Get Your Side Hustle Back On Track
When you’re working a full-time journalism job, it can be tough to maintain a side gig. But it’s not impossible.
When you’re working a full-time journalism job, it can be tough to maintain a side gig. But it’s not impossible.
Multimedia is an integral part of any content — especially online. Think about it: If an article has an eye-catching header image or a neat infographic, you’re more likely to read through it and...
In 2016, the Beyond Bylines team did our best to help you better your writing. We gave you tools and tips. Most recently, it was ways to captivate audience with Instagram Stories. Some of...
2016 was laden with challenges, including covering a contentious presidential election, making heads or tails of fake news, and more.
In today’s media landscape, it’s more important than ever to stay on top of your game. News organizations continued to face challenges this year (Read: acquisitions, layoffs, partnering, and going digital). Multicultural news media...
There’s typically no vacation until you’re done writing every single holiday feature assigned to you. Unfortunately, holiday deadlines don’t always lead to your most creative writing. Thankfully, you’ve got a place to go: Start...
It’s not every day that you get to shape history. That’s exactly what Cuban-American journalist María Laria did in 1988, as the first woman to create, produce, and host a Spanish-language talk show in the...
Instagram is broadening its appeal to Snapchat lovers with its installment of Instagram Stories. The Wall Street Journal reported recently that a live video feature soon will reach all of Instagram’s half-billion users. The...
With the end of the year fast approaching, goals and resolutions come to mind as we look toward a new year. A great way to get ahead — in building your career or personal...
Sometimes you have to go with the courage of your convictions when facing pushback. That’s what happened when BlogHer 2016 planners announced the name of a potentially controversial keynote speaker: Kim Kardashian. The decision...
From time to time, an industry or subject inspires us to create a best-of list. These are sites that produce out-of-this-world coverage in a crowded arena. In case you’ve missed some of these, you...
Not all media panels are created equal. But they’re an important avenue for audiences to connect with you, beyond reading your stories and following on social media. Consumers want to learn about your experience...
When developing a marketing strategy, many publishers and bloggers decide to start by jumping on the social media train. It’s a free, relatively easy and user-friendly way to get their feet wet in the...
Nowadays, it’s hard to keep up with the rapidly changing skills required in the job force. Continuing education increasingly is becoming vital to stay relevant. But it can seem pretty daunting to take classes at...
Whether we like it or not, we all have a personal brand on the social web. The question is: Are we cultivating that brand or are we letting it be defined on our behalf? In a perfect world,...
It’s not every day that a new Smithsonian opens. Every major news network followed the story of the grand opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture last month. And, coverage...
It’s earnings season. Like many journalists, you’re likely sifting through long statements and charts, seeking other filings, cross-checking numbers, and dissecting the content. Nowadays, releases also come with new bits of information – infographics...
Carving out a career in writing isn’t easy. As you know, the types of writing jobs are endless. They include news reporting, blogging, freelancing, ghost writing, feature writing, business writing, sponsored content, book writing,...
As many as 600,000 commercial drones will fill the air within the next year. That’s the prediction from the Federal Aviation Administration in the wake of its Small Unmanned Aircraft Rule, which went into...
The news industry takes pride in its objectivity. But picking a horse in a political race is a tradition that many of the country’s newsrooms still maintain. Whether news agencies should continue endorsing candidates...