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About PR Newswire for Journalists
PR Newswire for Journalists is a free site available to members of the media.
Since 1954, we have connected newsrooms with credible content through our custom newsfeeds. Today, journalists, bloggers, freelancers, and content creators get to decide the type of news they want to receive, how often, and in what format.
We even won two CODiE awards from the Software & Information Industry Association. (We’re pretty proud of that.)
Register at to take advantage of these and other free features:
- Customized Newsfeeds: Drill down your newsfeed to a keyword, subject, company, or industry. Select the email delivery and schedule of your choice. Want to see only clickable headlines? You got it.
- ProfNet Experts Database: Locating a source for your story should not be difficult. Connect with our ProfNet experts by submitting a query. No matter your deadline, ProfNet experts are available to you.
- Access Thousands of Photos and Videos: Search our high-resolution images and videos to use in stories and blog posts. We’ve got company logos, event photos, product images, executive headshots, and more. Browse by topic category, or keyword. All multimedia is available to you for free.
Email [email protected] for assistance.